Let me start off by saying that this article was inspired by my daughter's college graduation ceremony the other day.
The keynote speaker said something that really hit home with me and I'd like to share it with you in this article.
Yes, it DOES apply to making money online.
In fact, it applies to everything we do in life.
I think you will find this interesting reading.
President Sheeran says that in life, you can boil down philosophy to two questions.
- Are you for yourself? It not, then who will be? - If you're only for yourself, then what good is that? Let me touch on the first one.
If you've been trying to make a living online, you have probably noticed that you are pretty much on your own as far as getting things done.
Oh sure, you can hire people to do some things for you, but unless you're very wealthy, it's unlikely that you're going to get somebody to run your business for you...
nor should they.
After all, it's YOUR business.
Nobody is going to care about it as much as you do.
So, if you're not for yourself, meaning, if you're not looking out for your own interests and doing everything YOU can to better your life, nobody is going to do it for you.
On the other side of the coin, if you're only for yourself...
what good is that? The point the keynote speaking was trying to make is this.
Sure, we can go about trying to make money online just for the sake of making money.
But if we're not actually making somebody else's life better in the process, what good is it? What kind of real satisfaction can we get out of a few dollars? Personally, I need to know that what I do makes a difference, because if it doesn't...
there is no point of me doing it.
I know that not everybody feels this way.
Some people are only concerned about the almighty dollar.
And as long as they're making it by legal and ethical means, there is nothing wrong with that.
But imagine how much richer and fuller your life would be if you actually did something that made a difference in another person's life.
What I want you to do now is look at your business model and honestly answer this question.
Are you making a difference to others? If not, maybe you might want to rethink what you're doing to make those few dollars each month.
To YOUR Success, Steven Wagenheim
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