Are you having difficulty achieving and maintaining an erection?You could get a prescription for a pharmaceutical drug like Viagra.
Or you could try an all-natural remedy like Zenerx.
Which one is better for you? Zenerx contains a variety of herbs that have been used for centuries to combat erectile dysfunction.
There's a growing body of scientific evidence that these herbs do in fact work.
You don't need a prescription, and taking Zenerx is as simple as taking a vitamin every day.
There are no reported side effects.
Viagra has been shown to be effective in treating erectile dysfunction in 7 out of 10 men.
Common side effects include flushing of the face, headache, stomach ache, and nasal congestion.
Some men even experience abnormal vision including blurred vision, seeing shades of colors differently than before, or sensitivity to light.
New research shows that 522 patients have died while taking Viagra in the first year the drug was on the market.
There are continued concerns that the drug could trigger heart problems in some users, according to lead researcher Sanjay Kaul, MD, a critical care cardiologist at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles.
Viagra works by enhancing blood circulation.
More blood to the penis means bigger and better erections.
However, Viagra is not an aphrodisiac, it will not boost your libido, and it doesn't contribute to your health in any other way.
Zenerx is a natural, holistic medicine.
Rather than looking at the particular effected part of the body, natural medicine looks at what is wrong with the whole person.
Like Viagra, Zenerx enhances blood flow, but it also works to increase testosterone, boost sperm production, and improve the functioning of the sexual organs, especially the prostate, penis, and urethral systems.
The herbs in Zenerx are full of antioxidants that regenerate and protect your body.
So not only will you experience better sex, but you should find yourself with more energy, less stress and anxiety, and a more positive mental state.
If you do want to try Viagra, please don't try to buy it online without a prescription.
Thousands of web sites will try to sell you fake Viagra.
Their drugs are not only illegal, but most of them are ineffective and could even be dangerous.
Zenerx is manufactured only in the United States and follows strict FDA safety standards.
Its ingredients are thoroughly tested.
In conclusion, both Zenerx and Viagra are effective methods in treating erectile dysfunction.
I believe it makes sense to first try an herbal supplement like Zenerx before going to the trouble of getting Viagra.
Zenerx is safe, reputable, easy to purchase, and comes with a 90-day no questions asked money-back guarantee.
If you don't like it or it doesn't work for you, then you can move on to a pharmaceutical drug like Viagra.
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