Everyone with troubled credit wants a higher credit score but many people are unsure how to get one.
The credit report repair score tips in this article will help you clean up your credit report and improve your FICO scores.
Correct Errors On Your Report Almost all credit reports have mistakes on them that can drag your FICO score down.
If you find any mistakes on your report you can write the credit bureaus and and they will investigate it for you and normally remove it if it is truly false.
Do Not Pay Late When you are trying to rebuild your credit the last thing that you want to do is make late payments.
Being one or two days late is fine but never go past thirty days late or you will get a negative mark on your credit report.
Keep Your Current Accounts In order to rebuild and repair your credit you must have good positive payment history as well as established accounts.
So if you have accounts that currently have late payments do not close them out and make every effort to keep these accounts open and make them current as it will help you in the long run.
Pay More Then The Minimum Payment the ratio of your account balance to your limit should be under 50% in order for your score to be positively affected by a credit account.
If it is over that amount paying it down quickly will help give your scores a boost much faster then making the minimum payments will.
Do Not Over Apply For New Credit Once your credit starts to improve do not get carried away and apply for credit because excessive inquires will reduce your credit score.
Instead keep your current accounts in good standing and build off of them and worry about getting new accounts as the need for them pops up in your life.
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