Many people use their eyes to convey emotion and add meaning to their facial expressions.
Thus, it's no surprise that the eyes are one of the first things that people notice upon meeting someone new.
Therefore, when you take pictures that have the annoying red-eye effect, it can take away from your desired image and distract from the subject.
Chances are that you have taken a picture that showed the red-eye glow, or maybe even been part of a photo with your own eyes lit with red.
This occurs when you are using or are subjected to flash photography, often utilized when the background or setting is dark.
Red-eye occurs when the flash bounces off the back part of your eye, called the fundus.
This area is rich in blood vessels, which is why the glow appears red.
The light from the flash goes through the pupil, hits the fundus, then shines back through the pupil.
This is why the normally black part of the eye is completely obliterated, leaving the colored iris encircling the reddened pupil.
Usually, the pupil contracts when you come into contact with bright light so that you are not blinded by sunlight and overly bright light sources.
However, the flash happens so fast that the pupil does not have time to contract, leaving it wide open for the flash to penetrate.
Thankfully, there are ways in which you can counteract the red-eye effect.
First, many digital cameras now come with anti-red eye settings.
With this, the flash goes off several quick times right before the actual flash and the opening of the shutter.
This gives the pupil incentive and time to contract so that you do not get as much of a red-eye.
However, you can still get a slight red glow, yet it will be much less noticeable than before.
Next, most people choose to wait and edit their pictures using special software.
You can upload your digital images to the computer, then highlight the red eyes that you want to remove.
In fact, some software can even target and remove the glow for you.
The one problem with this is it can leave the eyes look slightly discolored.
If you have the equipment, bounce lighting is a wonderful way to get a bright image without sacrificing eyes.
On the other hand, you can choose to take pictures in a well-lit area so that you do not even need a flash.
Once you have a perfect image free from red-eye, you should consider showing it off as a canvas work of art.
For more information regarding the canvas transformation, check out YourCanvasPhotos today.