Health & Medical sports & Exercise

Golf Swing Drills - Six Simple Steps To The Perfect Swing

Step 1: Position yourself in line with the hole flag
When approaching your golf ball, look out for a nearby leaf, small stone or broken tee which maybe in a direct line between the holes flag you are aiming for. Picture a line between these two reference points and put your golf club face square to it. Now stand parallel to this imaginary line. Now you are correctly orientated to begin the perfect golf swing.
Step 2: Grip your left hand correctly
Making sure your Golf club is naturally on the ground behind the ball. Place it in the left hand so that the golf shaft lies across the top of the forefinger. It should fit under the heel of the palm, to make space for the stability of the club. Make sure that the little or small finger is around the grip so that there is no room for the club to move.
Make sure that the thumb is straight on top of the shaft with a firm grip. You should be able to see two or three knuckles of your hand. This is the proper and correct left hand grip.
Step 3: Grip your right hand correctly
With your right arm position naturally, shake your hands with the club and settle into the grip. Fold your right hand over the left thumb. The thumb of the right hand on the golf club should be pointing to the right shoulder.
Step 4: Grip the back of the golf club correctly
There are three ways to griping the back of a golf club choose whichever feels better for you. The Vardon or Overlapping Grip is by far the most common method used in golfing. Place the little or small finger of the right hand between the index finger and middle finger of the left hand.
The Interlocking Grip is where the right little finger and the left index finger are locked together. This is a lot easier for those with small hands as it allows the fingers around the grip. This is the second most common grip.
Finally, the Baseball Grip is used by people and children with very small hands in order to get all the fingers around the club.
Step 5: Adopt the correct stance
The proper stance will allow perfect balance and poise throughout the swing.
To start, the feet should be apart at the same width of the shoulders for a mid iron shot.
The feet, the knees, the hips and the shoulders should all be parallel to the target.
The right foot should be placed straight forward from the body, at a right angle to the line of flight, so that when you swing the weight will come on the inside of the foot to be able to push away and do the follow through.
The left foot is slightly open as this makes it easier for the body to follow through the golf swing.
The upper body should lean forward slightly from the waist, and the knees slightly bend to allow flexibility. This position will make your arms hang comfortably in front of your body, to be able to swing more freely.

Step 6: Perform the final swing
Now you have the correct orientation, grip and stance ,we are ready to finally perform the swing.
You might find it useful to perform the waggle at this point. This movement can be an important part of the swing as it will ensure that your weight is evenly distributed on the feet. During the waggle, your upper body and shoulders should not move. Everyone has their own way of using the waggle - most importantly it will relax your body in anticipation of the actual shot.
The back swing now starts with rotation - NOT with the hands. The action of the arms starts with the rotation of the body, the hands maintaining the same grip pressure throughout.
Practice this rotation movement by holding the club across either the front or back of the shoulders in the set-up position. Rotate the whole body - belly and all - to the right and left as if in a swing.
Take a look at the video that demonstrate the six simple steps to the perfect swing

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