Do penis pump enlargers work? There are some who claim they do.
And others who say it's a temporary effect where it grows to a certain length and width but later returns to its original size.
To most though, it's used as a counter effect to impotency or erectile dysfunction.
With all the information moving back and forth regarding the results, it's hard to say.
Many advertisers have medical proof that they work and just as many who say otherwise.
In my opinion, there are many other natural ways to enlarge the male organ either using aesthetic means such as using cream which causes the member to swell.
Otherwise, although expensive, surgery where strips of flesh from the thigh is grafted onto the penile shaft may improve girth.
What I can say though is that the safest way to enlarge the penis is to provide exercises or following a program which encourages the muscles within the penis and it's base to grow as it's perfectly natural and safe.
In addition to that, it also nurtures an increase in stamina as better control is trained into the muscles to allow a longer lasting erection.
Communicating with others who have similar issues and are in a situation to help is also a way of learning more information on the problems faced.
Although not the norm to talk about personal issues especially if it's of an embarrassing nature, there are times when there are others out there who share similar problems and have gone through the same experiences and are able to empathize as well as share what's worked for them.
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