- 1). Create a schedule for your dog for the next seven days. Someone must be with the dog at all times so that you can catch your pet before it has an accident.
- 2). Decide on a permanent spot in the house where you want your dog to do his business. Place newspapers there.
- 3). Take your dog to the newspapers as soon as you rise in the morning. Wait there until the dog goes to the bathroom. This may take a while the first few days until the dog understands what is expected.
- 4). Praise your dog when it goes on the newspapers and give it a treat. This is very important, since the dog needs to understand that what it did pleases you.
- 5). Make sure your dog is brought to the newspapers each time it eats a meal or takes an extended nap. This is the time that the dog will most likely need to go. Again, stay there until the dog goes to the bathroom.
- 6). Bring the dog to the newspapers again when you are ready to turn in for the night.
- 7). Put the dog's water bowl away before you go to bed. You don't want your dog drinking in the middle of the night and then having to go before you wake up.
- 8). Turn away from your dog if it has an accident. Don't give your dog treats and don't talk to it. Dogs aim to please their owners, and if you make it known that you don't approve of the accident, the dog will not want to continue doing it.
- 9). Keep up with the schedule for one week, and your dog will be potty trained to go inside.
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