One reason people sometimes prefer TCA tattoo removal products over fading creams is the list of controversial ingredients in many tattoo fade creams. These ingredients often include additives such as parabens (preservatives), soothing agents, fragrances as well as abrasives and skin bleaching or fading agents.
Some of the more common skin fading/bleaching ingredients along with some of their side effects include:
Hydroquinone - Is a phenol long used as a skin lightener. Some testing indicates it has potential for carcinogenicity. It has now been banned for use in cosmetic in all of the 21 EU nations, in Australia and some other Asian nations. It is still available over the counter in the US and Canada but in very low concentrations
Kojic Acid - Is a by-product fermentation during the process of make sake - the Japanese rice wine. For tattoo creams and cosmetics it is used as a skin lightener. It is often a hydroquinone substitute. It has been known to irritate skin and there is growing evidence that it may be carcinogenic.
Alpha-Arbutin - It is a cheaper alternative to hydroquinon and kojic acid and known to act quickly to lighten skin. It inhibits the production of an enzyme in the epidermal layers of skin that produces melanin – the chemical that darkens your skin naturally.
Arbutin – Is sometimes referred to as bearberry extract. It is known to be less effective than Alpha Arbutin. Arbutin and Beta Arbutin are less expensive additives and are in wide use among tattoo fading creams, although they have been known to cause skin irritation.
Parabens – These are preservatives widely used in the cosmetics industry. They are considered to be effective preservatives and are contained in many consumer products like popular shampoos and even toothpaste. They are also used extensively in food but are becoming more controversial and some in the health community object to their use. Some of the more common types include: propyl-paraben and methyl/ethyl-parabens. These can also be found in some tattoo removal creams. The main concern with them is they may be cancer causing..
Mercury - Is often found in cosmetic products and can be found in some tattoo cream products but not in TCA tattoo peel products. It is highly toxic by ingestion or inhalation of its dust particles. Since the FDA does not certify cosmetics (including tattoo removal creams) this element is still widely used.
Not all skin bleaching products have their ingredients listed on their websites. It is up to the consumer to find out what kinds of harmful ingredients may be contained so try to gather as much information as you can prior to making a purchasing decision.
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