If you are going out of town for a while either on business or for personal reasons and don't want to have to pay rent while you're gone, you should consider subletting your apartment or room until you get back so that you aren't spending money on rent for a place that you aren't even living in. You can utilize the resources available to you via your satellite internet to help you find someone to take over your room or apartment for as long as you need them to. Depending on how long you will be gone for, people sublet rooms for as little as a month to as long as a year, so work out how long you will be gone for and post an ad online today.
When having someone inhabit your home while you are away, the ideal situation is to have a friend or acquaintance sublet your apartment while you are gone as they are trustworthy, you know that they will pay rent and equally as important you know that they will respect your belongings and your apartment. You can find a friend to sublet your room by alerting everyone you know of the fact that you will be moving and are looking for someone to live in your apartment for the duration of your trip. The easiest way of alerting everyone you know that you will be leaving, is by logging onto your facebook account and sending a message to all of your friends. You can send the same message to all of your contacts and within minutes, everyone you know will be alerted of the fact that you are looking for someone to inhabit your room while you are away. Use the speed and reliability of your satellite internet connection to contact everyone you know quickly so that you can get the sublet sorted out before you leave.
Another great resource is to post an ad on craigslist stipulating that you will be leaving the country for a certain period of time and are looking for someone who would like to rent your room short term. Craigslist should be your second resort as it will be an open ad, visible to the public and the responses will yield a bunch of strangers that you don't know and can not vouch for their character. While you should definitely meet with them and assess for yourself who you think is trustworthy or not, it is always optimal to have someone you know or an acquaintance of someone you know, inhabit your room while you are away. With your satellite internet connection you can post ads quickly and easily and get someone to fill your room well before you leave so that you have one less stress to worry about. With the money you save on paying rent, you can treat yourself to a nice night out, a massage or something that you've been eyeing but haven't had room in your budget for.
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