Home & Garden Maintenance & Repairs

Vinyl Vs. Aluminum Rain Gutter


    • Vinyl is the least expensive gutter material. It is also the easiest for a homeowner to install, which adds to the cost savings. On the other hand, it has a relatively short lifespan, so needs to be replaced more often than aluminum gutters.

      The cost of aluminum gutters varies according to the thickness of the metal and the type of coating applied. Acrylic, polyester and baked enamel coatings are used. Aluminum can be purchased in sections or professionally installed using a seamless style.


    • Vinyl is relatively lightweight and may bend during heavy rains and snowfalls. It expands and contracts quite a bit in hot and cold weather, and it also has a tendency to crack after a few years' exposure to temperature extremes. A plus for vinyl gutters is that they do not rust.

      Aluminum gutters also do not rust, but they are prone to becoming dented. It is possible to hammer out dents and dings, but the gutters will rarely look like new again.

    Sectional vs. Seamless Gutters

    • Vinyl gutters are sold in 10-foot lengths to make it easy for homeowners to install. Visible connectors are at each seam. Seams are the most vulnerable spots for leaks. Aluminum gutters can also come in sections, which can be cut to the desired lengths with a hacksaw.

      Because the seams in all gutters tend to leak eventually, seamless aluminum gutters are often used. They are professionally created onsite by means of a portable machine. Seamless gutters have joints only at the corners and at downspouts, so they do not leak. Vinyl gutters are not available in a seamless style.


    • Vinyl gutters have seams every 10 feet or so, and visible connectors are at each seam. According to Old House Web, vinyl gutters come in the traditional K-shaped and half-round styles, as well as a more contemporary U-shape.

      Aluminum gutters come in traditional K-shape, modified K-shape and half-round shapes.


    • Aluminum gutters come in at least 25 different colors and shades, and they can be painted.

      Vinyl gutters are readily available in brown and white. Other color choices exist but may require special orders and extra cost. The colors often yellow or fade as the vinyl ages.

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