Palm Springs, California is a well-known resort city that has always been a favorite destination for tourists, professionals, celebrities and sometimes illegal immigrants and an assortment of persons of dubious character and callings. Palm Springs enjoys agreeable clime most of the time of year, although some people may not love its hot, humid weather. The fact is: Palm Springs is an American city that is quite suitable for retirees, older folks and people who enjoy sunshine and all the attendant activities.
One may ask, what has Palm Springs got to do with domestic violence and attorneys? Well similar questions may be asked of almost every modern metropolis in the world – from Moscow, London, Singapore, and Shanghai to Detroit, Chicago and Sao Paolo. One common feature of cities in developed and developing countries is that they usually boast a sizeable population and this is the point that could provide some answer to the above poser.
In any given society, when the population gets beyond a certain figure, problems or issues that can normally be addressed, discussed and then resolved could sometimes become too big or too complex and not open to easy solutions. Take housing for example, which is a perennially thorny issue in many cities, not least cities in so-called less developed nations. New York, Chicago and other American cities have their fair share of housing problems, and if you realize that the population of Shanghai is in the tens of millions, you would at once appreciate the gravity and magnitude of the housing problems facing the Shanghai Municipal Government.
If you have lived in a household with more than 3 or 4 people, you would know that, accommodating the likes, habits, ways of doing things and idiosyncrasies of the residents – even if they are your family members – may not be a happy task always. Differences of opinion, different mind-sets and different views on many issues and perhaps different cultural background or upbringing – all these are some of the features that will find expression in the behavior of household residents. Of course, if they are family members living under one roof, it is less embarrassing or trying to attempt to discuss the relevant problems and come to terms with them.
Domestic violence, ugly and devastating as it could be, is never a happy topic to discuss. Nonetheless, it is something that occurs not just in the slum cities of the under-developed world; it could occur in Bangkok; it could occur in Palm Springs: in fact, it occurs everywhere. In the west there are sufficient and strict laws protecting the victims of domestic violence. District attorneys and other law enforcement officers are always at hand to prosecute perpetrators and even if they are not indicted, civil actions can be instituted against people who have threatened (albeit without physically hurting the victims) their wives, husbands, children, or other family members.
Victims of domestic violence in third world countries are usually not as fortunate as those of the advanced West. There are many reasons for this. One is that there are insufficient laws protecting would-be victims of domestic violence; another is that the police and other investigating officers are reluctant to ‘interfere' in the domestic affairs of people, citing family matters and other reasons. Unless the violence resulted in very serious bodily injury of victims and police reports made, usually very little action, if any, is taken against the wrong-doers.
Victims of domestic violence in the West could seek legal redress not just in the criminal courts but also in civil courts. Divorce attorneys are available for consultation on how best to file divorce proceedings in the courts to seek alimony and other reliefs from spouses who have committed domestic violence. In fact, in places like Palm Springs, as in most cities of the West, one doesn't need the occurrence of domestic violence to sue a husband or wife for divorce. That said, one must not equate domestic violence with this beautiful resort city in California, of course. In addition, speaking of attorneys, their job is not just to file divorce proceedings for aggrieved spouses – they also attend to your other legal matters like sale and purchase of properties, trusts, wills and probate.
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