Sharing Tips from a Book I Reviewed -
Life has given uis two very effective teachers. Both are top-flight instructors, but neither comes cheap.
The teachers are Wisdom and Consequences.
While Wisdom will amaze and delight you with her lessons, Consequences will leave you breathless - and not in a good way. The truth is, Consequences is by far the tougher teacher of the two.
The author said if he could learn the wisdom gained from everyone who have read his book he would be a very rich man.
That's the classroom that Wisdom invites you to enter.
Why not gain wisdom from the experience of others?
You gain a little wisdom from his experience and you don't have to suffer as he did to learn the same lesson.
A wise person sees consequences ahead of time and makes a change before he runs into a wall.
The kind of wisdom the Bible offers us takes discipline to extract - and that can cause some pain.
"But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and full of good fruits..."
The Holy Spirit has been assigned by God to be our Guide who will deposit the very wisdom of God into our lives.
With HIM as our Divine Mentor, the wisdom of the ages gradually becomes our own.
If we want to be wise, we have to hang around wise men and women.
They are Joesph, Daniel, Abigail, Issac, Mary, Jacob, Ruth, Joshua, Esther, Josiah...
The Bible calls Solomon the wisest man who ever lived, and when you read the Bible's account of his early years on the throne you see example after shining example of how divine wisdom enriched his life and his nation.
You hear his prayer for wisdom - not for food or fame - and you feel in awe.
"God gave Solomon wisdom and very great insight, and a breadth of understanding as measureless as the3 sand on the seashore."
Apparently, he forgot where his wisdom came from.
Wayne Cordeiro is the author of The Divine Mentor. He is senior pastor of New Hope Christian Fellowship in Honolulu, Hawaii. He is also a songwriter, and highly sought after conference speaker, which takes him around the world. He is a church planter and has helped to plant 83 churches in the Pacific Rim.
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