The color messages sent by light waves affect the doshas and hence your health.
Vatas do best with yellow, orange, and white; small amounts of red, green, blue, and violet are also stabilizing.
They should avoid black, gray, brown, and all dark colors.
Pittas do best with white, green, and blue; gray and brown may be used in small amounts.
Pittas should avoid strong, bright colors such as red and black.
Kaphas do best with red, orange, and golden yellows; black, gray, and brown may be used in lesser amounts.
Avoid white, pink, and pale green or blue.
In addition to these overall guidelines, certain colors have specific benefits; for example: oRed builds blood, improves red blood cell production, improves circulation, and inspires the creative process.
oYellow stimulates agni, increases assimilation, and raises consciousness.
oOrange fights bacteria, strengthens the immune system, and instills knowledge.
oBlue is cooling, enhances perception, and reduces pain.
oGreen is calming, refreshing, and energizing.
Anger is red and also a very useful instinctual emotion that arises from the frustration of a basic need not being met.
Up to a certain point it is positive and healthy to feel and express your anger, because it indicates you have the will to live.
However, it does have its consequences, whether you are the one who is angry or the one to whom the anger is directed.
It is important to express anger in a constructive rather than a destructive way.
Blues help people who run a little irritated.
Copyright © Dr.
Helen Thomas 2007.
All rights reserved.
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