You don't need to be a superstar or a model to get girls to want to be with you.
Humor and cockiness are a potent mix that will enable you to get any girl in the world - provided you learn how to use them to your best advantage, that is.
The fact that women are driven by their emotional responses is a well-documented fact, so someone who can appeal to their emotional core through humor will have a far greater effect on them than any guy with good looks or money will ever have.
This is why you should focus on targeting their emotions as opposed to their senses.
If you can get a woman emotionally addicted to you, you will win no matter who the other man is.
To help with your first steps on this difficult path, I have prepared a few tactics that can be used to help you get ahead of the game.
"- Be Cocky.
" Before you can make any girl to totally fall for you, you need to display yourself as a slightly cocky alpha man.
Attaining that particular confidence level is not actually that hard.
You just have to boost up your self-esteem and remind yourself you are great every day to make sure you get ahead of everyone else.
When you get used to this way of thinking and make a habit out of it, girls will be the ones who are chasing you all the time.
"- Be Funny.
" Women will always respond better to you if they are in a good mood, even more so if you are the cause of their good mood.
If you can ensure that she's properly entertained, you'll soon see that she maintains her interest in you for far longer.
Another side benefit is the advantage of 'social humor'.
If you can demonstrate in a crowd of people you are the funny one, you'll notice her gravitate towards you like a moth to a flame.
This has to do with the associations of popularity and the confidence you display.
See, using humor correctly would be the ideal way to break the ice and get her enraptured with your every word.
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