Let Us Remember Mistakes are a normal part of life.
We've all been making mistakes since we were babies.
Our parents expected us to make mistakes.
Mom corrected us and we learned.
As youngsters, we made mistakes routinely.
Our coaches, teachers, and peers corrected us.
We didn't feel bad when we were corrected.
Mistakes were expected, so when we made bad decisions it was not earth shattering.
It was just a normal part of the educational process.
We learned from it and kept it moving.
So, as adults, why does making mistakes terrify us so much? We allow negative thoughts about making mistakes cause fear of trying new things that will make us successful.
That fear becomes debilitating.
We then just stay in analysis mode, or "what if" mode, or worst of all, do nothing.
It's Okay Not To Be Perfect...
None of Us Are We need to go back to the attitude we had when we were growing up.
The attitude that it is okay to make mistakes.
It is expected that we will make mistakes while we are learning.
Just like the first day (or first 3 months for that matter) on a new job, we know we won't be perfect either.
So, don't expect to be perfect as you are beginning your real estate investing career.
The key is to acknowledge that it is okay to make mistakes.
When mistakes come, learn from them and move on.
Do not let them defeat you.
Do What Dale Said Don't allow the thought of making a mistake scare you into doing nothing.
You MUST TAKE ACTION to be successful.
Let me borrow from an incredibly helpful book I highly recommend by Dale Carnegie called, "How to Stop Worrying and Start Living.
" Dale says, when you notice you are beginning to worry about or fear something, you should answer these questions.
1) What am I worrying about? 2) What can I do about it? 3) Here's what I'm going to do about it.
4) When am I going to start doing it? By honestly answering these questions, you not only get your fear out in the open you also create an action plan to get past the issue.
You will be unstoppable.
You can recover from just about any mistake but the first step is having a positive mental attitude toward mistakes in general.
Allow yourself to learn through experience.
Believe in yourself no matter what.
You WILL be successful.
Making mistakes definitely does not feel good.
In fact, it feels terrible.
So instead of focusing on the pain of making a mistake, try focusing on the feeling of meeting your goal.
Just think about it.
Go ahead; right now, think about it.
What does it feel like? Awesome I bet.
That is the feeling you want to concentrate on and nothing else.
That's the feeling of success.
Get used to it because you will be feeling it a lot more often very soon.
The Truth of the Matter You will make will mistakes.
You will be better because of it.
In order to open the golden door called success, you first have to walk through the tall, unsightly grass in the yard called mistakes.
It is a requirement.
Accept that and you will prosper.
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