Aren't you tired of hearing the whiners that claim you can't make money online anymore? It just seems that you hear this complaint everywhere you turn.
That truth, though, is that you can still make a great living online.
It's just not as easy as it used to be.
Making Money Online in 2013 and Beyond In the old days it was easy to make money with a website.
All you had to do was a bit of keyword research, hire some third rate content writers from overseas, and buy bulk back linking services.
Google's algorithm updates put that to an end, and most markets are saturated now, anyway.
What you need to do today that's different form yesterday is easy to understand.
You have to get inside the minds of your potential customers.
It doesn't matter if you're selling and promoting your own products or someone else's.
If you don't understand what is motivating this person to seek this information or product, then you won't be able to effectively sell it.
Understand Buying Motives before Doing Keyword Research Before you do your keyword research you need to study the psychological factors that encourage someone to buy what you're selling.
When you have a clear picture of what this is your avenues will open up.
You'll find keywords that haven't been touched yet and understand their role in your monetization process.
If you don't do this preliminary research you'll build a site that doesn't generate any return on your investment.
That's a huge waste of time and money, and it's exactly what most people do when starting their web business.
Skip this step at your own peril.
Market Your Content as Much as Your Product Social media marketing is the key to making big money on the web.
But you can't just constantly promote your products and services.
You have to generate content that people are excited to see and share.
It doesn't even have to be directly related to what you do or sell.
Instead, use it to build brand awareness and capture prospects that didn't even know they were looking for what you sell.
Make sure not to be too general in scope when it comes to broadcasting this content though.
For instance, you wouldn't want to promote your marketing firm's content to social groups focused on Justin Bieber, but lawyer groups might find it interesting.
Research Market Opportunities before Ramping Up Your Efforts If you're selling your own product you need to make sure that there's a market for it before you invest a penny.
The same is true if you're going to be selling someone else's products.
There are tons of great products on affiliate market places like ClickBank.
com, but a lot of them don't have a viable market.
How are you going to get that product in front of people and make sales if there aren't any people looking for it? By making sure that there's a viable market you can ensure you have actual customers who will be willing to pay for what you're selling.
The people who gripe that you can't make money online anymore tend to skip this step.
Treat Your Web Business like a Real Business You need to track your profits and losses.
You should be able to detail every expense - both in time and money.
If you spend some cash on a tool, advertising, or service you need to track it.
If you invest your personal time in the project you need to track it, too.
The same goes for every penny your venture earns.
When all is said and done you'll be able to look at the books and see if your venture is paying off.
If it's not, you can figure out where to eliminate expenses so you can push your books into the black.
Most people don't think to treat their internet business like a brick and mortar store.
It's just too virtual for them.
But if you don't do this you're never going to find the ultimate success you crave.
If you do, you'll be laughing all the way to the bank at everyone who claims you can't make money online anymore.
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