Health & Medical Health News & Knowledge

What Are Love Handles - Best Exercise for Love Handles

Love handles is a slang for the folds or layers of skin that seem to hang over the waist of a person.

All explanations about love handles are wishful and born out of personal fantasies. Here are some of these:
  • It is an affectionate way of reminding your loved one that their waist has started growing big.
  • The extra flesh on the waist appears like handle.
  • The extra flab on the waist helps the process of love making. The lover holds on to them to pull in the lover closer.
  • They are also called extra tire because they appear like tire.
  • The extra flesh flowing down the waist when a person wears trouser a bit tightly is like the muffin top. They are, therefore, also called muffin tops, which are more delicious and flavored.

Some people actually love the love handles, unless they are too big and voluminous. Moderate love handles are generally very soft, sexy, meaty and cuddly.

Going by the above description, love handles, if they are moderate, are not as repulsive as they are made out to be.

They appear more lovely, natural and human than the stark, skinny, flat and tight stomach over which your hands are more likely to slip away than hold on to.

There are lots and lots of young men who fantasize making love with elderly women with love handles.

They can become dangerous for health if they are allowed to over-grow.

There are several exercises to get rid of love handles

If you search the internet, you will find scores of effective exercises to lose fat. Some of these exercises are quite simple and easy, but show result after a considerable amount of time.

Most people lose patience after sometime and give up. Exercises like walking and jogging may take a long time to get rid of love handles.

Then there are other exercises that help you to lose them fast, but are too strenuous for some people.

One such exercise is elbow to opposite knee crunch. It targets the oblique muscle.

It involves lying down and touching the knees with opposite elbows. It is really a difficult, almost painful, exercise for those who have puffed up and hard stomach.

Best exercise for love handles

It is an incredible Indian Yogic exercise for fat loss. It was originally developed by an ancient Indian sage Patanjali and is currently being taught by the legendary yoga guru Swami Ramdev. It is called, Kapal Bhati Pranayam-breathing exercise. Those who can breathe easily can do this exercise.

It involves sucking in the stomach and releasing it in quick succession over a few minutes. You do not need to make conscious effort to breathe in and out. It occurs quite automatically.

It is always advisable to perform this exercise in the morning on empty stomach. Filled up stomach may cause inconvenience.

Videos and textual descriptions of Kapal Bhati Pranayam are easily available on the internet especially on You Tube.

There is, however, one condition and it is about your lifestyle and diet. You will have to drastically discipline both if you are serious about losing weight.

Kapal Bhati is not recommended for people with asthma, high B P and heart problems.

I have prepared a step by step guide detailing easy and yet effective fat loss exercises and fat burning diet that can help you to get rid of love handles fast with or without Kapal Bhati Pranayam.

There are certain diets-not saltless, boiled and bland, but truly mouth-watering and delicious-that burn even the stubborn fat very fast besides catering to your taste buds.

Click Here! to discover how to lose love handles faster than you think

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