Do you want to be able to write faster and generate more traffic and sales? If so, you need to pay close attention to what I'm about to say next.
Tip 1: Go straight to the point.
Many articles are just full of plain and boring content.
The writer beats about the bush, and it takes quite a while for the reader to understand what the writer is trying to say.
Unfortunately, many readers abandon the web page before they finish reading the entire article.
To avoid this problem, make sure you write in a simple manner.
Keep things short, sharp and concise.
Don't worry about the articles not having enough "juice".
You want the content to have real value, and not just contain a bunch of words.
Tip 2: Use article templates with slight variations.
Some writers complain that templates make their articles look too similar.
Therefore, it's always good to be able to work with templates with slight variations.
This means that you start off with just one template.
But as you continue to write, tweak the template so that the title appears different, the format appears slightly modified, etc.
Tip 3: Avoid getting interrupted.
Interruptions can greatly reduce your writing speed.
If you are writing and you get interrupted, you find that you need to take more time to build up the momentum again.
Sometimes, you lose your train of thought and have to start from square one.
So if possible, choose a time when you are least likely to get interrupted when you start your writing.
And once you start, don't stop until you have accomplished what you have set out to complete.
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