- All perennials need regular feeding with a flowering plant fertilizer with a 1-2-1 ratio of nutrients. The extra dose of phosphorus (the middle number) promotes abundant flowering. Follow the package directions carefully for the rate of product to apply. Excessive fertilization can harm plants.
- Daisies need fertile soil to grow and thrive.Comstock/Comstock/Getty Images
Shasta daisies (Chrysanthemum maximum) are the stereotypical daisies with white petals around a central yellow hub. Shasta daisies are heavy feeders and need fertile soil. Feed them in spring and then at six-week intervals throughout the flowering season. If deadheaded, most Shasta daisy varieties will bloom throughout the summer, although flowering may be sparse during hot, humid weather. They also benefit from a side dressing of compost or manure in the spring. - Gaillardias tolerate lean soil.Hemera Technologies/Photos.com/Getty Images
Commonly known as blanket flower or Indian blanket, gaillardias (Gaillardia spp.) are heat lovers from Mexico and the American southwest. These tough flowers bloom continuously from summer to fall without deadheading and are tolerant of poor soils. Excessive fertilizer causes the plants to get tall and lanky. Feed them lightly in spring and once or twice during the flowering season.
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