Family & Relationships Family & Relationships

Baby Shower Games to Play at Home

    • Baby showers offer numerous different themes to use as games. There are games where guests can reveal how well they know the mother and games where the guest's memory is tested. Some baby games even give each guest the opportunity to see what it is like to be a baby when eating and drinking.

    Baby Bottle Chugging

    • Give each of your guests a baby bottle filled with the beverage of your choice. Direct them not to drink from the bottle until everyone has arrived. Once everyone has arrived at the party, the host rings a bell and everyone starts drinking. The first person to empty her baby bottle completely is the winner.

    Baby Bingo

    • Before opening the baby shower gifts, give each guest a sheet of paper. Ask him to draw a grid of four squares by four squares. In each of the boxes, he should write a gift he thinks the parents will receive. Only one gift in abox, this results in 16 gifts. As gifts are opened, guests cross off the box with the name of the gift in it, if he has it in a box. The first guest to cross off four squares in a row wins.

    Tray Memory Game

    • Fill a tray with 15 to 20 baby-related items. Bring this tray out in front of your guests for 60 to 90 seconds. Then remove the tray from the room. Ask each guest to write down as many of the items from the tray as she can remember. Allow your guests up to five minutes to complete their lists. Award a prize to the guest with the most correct items on her list.

    Baby Picture Game

    • Ask each of your guests to bring a picture of herself to the baby shower, and write her name on the back of it. Tape the photographs on a wall with numbers on them. Ask the guests to guess who each of the baby pictures is on a piece of paper, writing the photo number and guest's name next to her picture number. The guest that guesses the most correctly is the winner.

    Guess The Mommy's Tummy Size

    • As each guest arrives at the party offer each guest a ball of yard. Ask her to cut off a piece of string that she feels will go around the mommy's belly at its fullest point, with both ends touching without overlapping. After each guest has cut her piece of string, the lengths are tested by placing them around the mommy's tummy. The player who is the closest without having the string overlap, which would mean it's too long, is the winner.

    Baby Food Tasting Game

    • Purchase five to 10 baby food bottles before the baby shower begins. Remove the labels, and label them with numbers. Write down the number of each bottle and the type of baby food it is. Invite each guest to try each of the baby foods and write down what baby food she thinks it is next to the bottle number on her own sheet of paper. The player with the most correct guesses is the winner.

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