Health & Medical Men's Health

Who Else Wants to Know the Secrets to Delay Ejaculation and Last Longer in Bed Tonight?

How often have you wondered what it takes to have the stamina needed to know for a fact that your woman is satisfied? Do you think she is even faking orgasms to make you feel better about coming so fast all the time? Dude, first of all I want you to know that you are not alone.
Premature ejaculation is the most common male sexual problem and I personally suffered through it for many years.
I used to think that I'd never live up to the ideal man that any of the women I had been with wanted in bed.
But I have some secrets that I have to let you in on right now.
I learned how to delay ejaculation and now have absolutely no problems lasting as long as I want in the sack.
And I can guarantee if you follow everything that I share with you, you will have the same results too! So pay close attention to what is in this article if you are serious about having the kind of sex that you want and really deserve.
Here are the secrets to delay ejaculation that will work tonight: Take herbal supplements: A lot of men who have premature ejaculation problems experience this issue due to poor health.
Many of today's food and beverages contain numerous toxins which throw off hormone balances and cause side effects like PE.
Taking herbs is an excellent way to flush your system of these toxins and the corresponding side effects.
A great herb to help with premature ejaculation specifically is Indian ginseng.
This will increase your vigor and libido on top of allowing you to prolong your ejaculate.
Master thrusting technique: For the vast majority of men, sex is an adventure that causes extreme amounts of excitement.
Those with PE will get hyper excited to the point of uncontrollability at the very early stages of intercourse.
They enter a woman's vagina and start a mad dash of thrusting and ejaculate quickly.
You can easily control the length of time it takes for you to ejaculate by employing the shallow/deep alternating thrust technique.
How you do this is to start off by only doing shallow thrusts with the tip of your penis at a depth of about 1-3 inches within her vagina.
This will bring much more pleasure to your partner as it is the most sensitive area of her vagina.
After 8-10 shallow thrusts start making a deep thrust for every 8-10 shallow ones.
Make sure to talk to her during this to find out if she is comfortable with the technique as some women prefer only deep thrusts.
Power breathing: Guys who have premature ejaculation will usually sound like they are hyperventilating during sex which in and of itself can bring on an early ejaculation.
What happens is that short and fast breaths will cause your pelvic muscles to tighten and place pressure on your prostate, creating ejaculation.
Breathing can be very powerful during sex.
To relax your pelvic muscles, concentrate on taking deep, slow, controlled breaths.
Once you have that mastered, you can practice synchronizing your breathing with your woman's to form a sexual connection that will cause more explosive orgasms for both of you.

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