Farmstead includes the farmhouse and the building or area around it.
These days, many people have their own farmsteads.
They go there to free themselves from the busy routines and to relax themselves.
The area around a farmstead is covered with farms so there is no hustle and bustle in these areas, like in cities.
A person there can get the most peaceful environment to relax and enjoy him.
A peaceful environment with no noise pollution is really a blessing for a person and one can find such environment in their farmsteads easily.
Mostly landlords own a farmstead and they love to decorate the farmstead for their mental pleasure.
Decoration is an art to enhance the beauty of a thing.
Sometimes there is nothing fascinating in a thing but, it can be made worth seeing by decorating it with different things.
These things help to enhance its beauty.
A girl is a good example to take.
Mostly, many girls who are not that attractive but they play wonders on human eyes when they get makeover.
It means that we are just using make up articles as a base to enhance the beauty of girls.
And in a sense we can also say that we are decorating her with the help of make up.
More over, when she wears elegant clothes her beauty is enhanced to its extreme.
And we are doing all this just by decorating her.
So we must say that decoration play wonders in one life.
But one thing must be kept in mind that we must decorate a thing according to the nature of a thing.
If a girl is blonde and you are using sharp colors on her than it may not look good enough.
So decoration must be done according to the needs and requirements of a thing.
Well now, talking about decorating a thing rather than human beings, things are to be decorated with intensive care.
Because, there are many little things that can easily be smashed by our hands if we handle them carelessly.
Like engraving picture or different designs on vase made of ceramics etc.
these little things must be handled carefully or else one has to bear the loss.
Engraving is also an art of decorating things.
There are numerous ways to decorate and enhance the beauty of a thing.
A farmstead can be decorated in a variety of ways like decorating a farmstead with different hand-made things or with the things of nature.
There are two types of decoration that can be done on ones farmstead.
Internal decoration of farmstead.
External decoration of farmstead.
External decoration of farmstead Here are some ways to decorate your farmstead externally.
• Making a stable 1.
First you need to examine that how many yards the area is available around your farmstead 2.
If the area is big enough to manage to set a stable there than you must get beautiful horses for your stable.
Try the use of wood more.
Wood work is interesting as well as fascinating.
Make sure that you manage to have a pentagon shaped stable.
But if not than any shape is accepted.
Try to make the roof of your stable in hut shape.
It looks really nice.
Manage to leave a little space between the woods while placing them for making the roof.
Any other area should not be covered at all.
Tie the horses loosely with strings.
It should be made in such a way that the passage of air is real good.
The last but not the least, you should clean it regularly.
• Cage for birds 1.
If you are fond of birds than you must make a beautiful cage and let different kinds of bird inside.
Now here you must use net sheets so the air may too easily pass through and the birds also may not fly away.
It should be large in size.
Length and width must be large enough.
You may make the roof wooden again in hut shape or any other shape you like.
You would have to grow a plant creeper all around the sides of the cage to give it colors and it may look beautiful too.
You can also place artificially made butterflies on the sides of cage to enhance the beauty of the cage.
You may place beautifully made bulbs, available in stores easily, inside the cage so when they will glow in the night-time they make the cage look wonderful.
One thing must be kept in mind that the number of birds should not exceed from the limited capacity of the cage.
• Making a rabbits nest 1.
You can also make a nest for keeping rabbit in your farmstead.
Pure white rabbits look awesome so try to buy rabbits in pure white color.
You can also buy other colored rabbits too if you like.
This time you don't have to use net sheets or wood for making of their nests.
Instead, grow bushes in a circle or you can even create a maze out of those bushes.
The bushes must be neatly trimmed so they may not look messy at all.
Along the bushes you can also grow flowerbeds.
When you are done with making the nest, place the rabbits inside it so they may play around.
Clean the rabbits nest daily and trim the bushes after every two days.
• Growing flowers all around 1.
The must thing you have to do is to grow a number of different types of flowers covering the whole area around your farmstead expect the entrance of it.
Keep the entrance simple with no doors at all.
Grow the flowers around the farmstead in such a way that the flowers should cover the whole area around it and the only place where the flowers may not be seen should be the way to entrance.
You can make two entrances even, one from the front and one from the back.
He flowers must be of different colors.
Don't grow the same type of flowers all around.
If you don't it may not look colorful this way.
These are some ways to decorate your farmstead externally.
One thing must be make sure while doing any of these decorations that you are good enough to take care all these things afterwards too.
Once you have planted the flowers it than doesn't means that now your job is finished.
You must be able to take care of all these things on daily basis.
Clean the horse stable, rabbits nest or the cage of birds daily.
Feed them daily and try to spend at least two hours daily with them so you may know that whether they need to be pampered more or you are doing enough with them.
These things too need to get pampered like humans.
• Internal decoration of farmstead Now I am going to discuss some ways to decorate your farm internally.
A thing with no internal beauty is never called beautiful.
The external and internal beauties must be maintained.
There are numerous ways to decorate your farmstead internally as there are many different types of things available in market for this purpose.
The internal decoration of farmstead generally relates to decorating the farmhouse.
A farmhouse must be decorated significantly because people come to enjoy in their farmhouses and to relax in their farm houses.
So the environment of the farmhouse must be peaceful.
And it must be decorated in such a way that when person looks it, his eyes get the reflection of peace in it.
Here are some ways to decorate your farmstead internally.
Try to keep the area of rooms in your farm houses a bit larger than usual.
Color the walls of your farm houses in light blue or green colors.
These colors give a very peaceful effect when painted on walls.
Try not to use loud colors because they give harsh effect and have the power to absorb heat in it.
If you are into traditional stuff than try to make the floors of your farmhouse marbled.
Marble is great stone with cool effect.
It will keep the temperature of your room normal.
And when you will sit on your floor you will feel the coolness of the stone.
Try not to carpet your floor.
Use mattress, rugs and large size pillows for the floor arrangements.
Many people love to sit on 'charpoys' so you can also use them for sitting arrangements.
You can decorate the walls with the traditional pieces of art, made by the hard-working hands of people loving in villages.
You can also place some painting of women and men working in farms, on the walls.
Get proper ventilation in your farmhouse.
And try to hang light-colored curtains over the windows, matching the colors of your walls.
You may use baby yellow color or white colored curtains but, white color get dirty too easy and look untidy so try to use light colors other than white.
Place vases in the rooms.
And instead of putting artificial flowers in the vases try to put real flowers in them.
Replace them with new flowers everyday because the smell of flowers is really soothing and enchanting.
Their smell is helpful to relax your mind and make it fresh.
Don't over crowd your rooms in the farmhouse.
Let them be simple with a limited number of furniture.
This way the rooms will ok bigger than originally they are.
Make your sitting area in the veranda so you can also view the lush green fields around your farmhouse to relax yourself.
You can also get help from an interior designer for the internal decoration of your farm house.
In any way, either internal or external decoration of your farmstead, it is must to do.
In past, there were many people who use to leave their farmsteads the way they were and never thought to utilize that area in a good way and make that area a well presentable place.
As the new generations keep on coming they thought of the different ideas to decorate that ruined area in the best ways they can.
It's a human nature that when he gets physically or mentally upset he tries to relax where there is no noise and pollution.
He finds such place a blessing in those moments.
Any kind of noise and pollution is damaging for a human mind.
So, to free himself from the noise of world he finds his farmsteads the best place to go.
But, if the farmstead itself gives a picture of devastated area than how will people get peace there? So it is very necessary to keep your farmsteads net and clean and most of all well presentable.
One more thing must be kept in mind that if you are not in the position to take care of the plants or animals that you are going to keep there than you must not keep animals or grow any plants there.
If you yourself can't do these job than, you must hire a person for these.
Either they are animals or plants, both need care and attention otherwise they are damaged.
A plant if not watered will not grow well.
An animal if not fed properly will not survive for long time.
So before considering nay of the external decorations mentioned above make sure that you are able to take good care of them.
Or the person you have hired for them is taking good care of them or not.
Keep all the points under consideration before taking any step because these animals are also creatures of ALLAH and need to be cared too.
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