Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Getting Pregnant With Fibroids - How Fibroids Affect Pregnancy

Looking at how fibroids affect pregnancy, the impact can be minimal or massive and this depends on the size of the fibroids and their location.
If you haven't already, it makes sense to have an ultrasound scan to determine their location and size before taking action.
Fibroids which are situated at the entrance of the fallopian tubes or cervix can be a serious problem as they can block the passage of sperm to the awaiting egg, making conception impossible.
Both smaller and larger fibroids can cause this problem.
Small fibroids will rarely cause any issues at all, providing they are not in a critical location.
Large fibroids can cause serious problems, particularly when they are located just under the lining of the womb.
They can distort the internal cavity of the uterus to such an extent that a fertilized egg cannot implant.
Alternatively, they can cause an early miscarriage, often before a woman would even realize she is pregnant.
Other less common problems can include difficult or lengthier labors, or premature birth.
As actually getting pregnant with fibroids is only difficult if they are blocking the fallopian tubes or cervix, you should consider the potential issues caused by fibroids in other locations on a progressing pregnancy and consider taking steps to shrink your fibroids before trying for a baby.
Although conventional treatments are generally unsuitable for women trying for a family, there is a comprehensive system for shrinking fibroids naturally which is completely safe for use prior to pregnancy and will work providing you have the motivation to take charge of your own healing.

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