Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Fennel Plant Seeds Excellent For Wellness

Fennel seeds are known as edible herbal seeds of fennel plant and they mostly taste similar to licorice are often used as a culinary spice and also be eaten or chewed raw. It contains various vitamins and minerals like vitamin C, potassium, calcium, iron, manganese, magnesium and vitamin B3 which is very much beneficial for health. Along with this Fennel also contains anethole, which can clarify some of the medical effects.

Following are some health benefits of fennel seeds:

General uses of Fennel Seed
• Cough, cold & sore throats
• Immune support
• High cholesterol
• Liver detoxification
• Colitis
• Indigestion
• Flatulence
• Colic pain and indigestion for babies
• Constipation
• Diarrhea
• Increase breast milk in nursing mothers Insomnia
• High blood pressure & stroke
• Glaucoma
• Arthritis – Osteo and Rheumatoid Arthritis
• Alzheimer's disease

Cancer Prevention
Fennel Seeds are loaded with anti-oxidants which help to reduce the cancer and the other risk which are related to free radical damage to cells and DNA. It also helps to cleanse the colon as it contains fiber and protect us from colorectal cancer.

High In Antioxidants
Fennel seeds contain antioxidant named as flavonoids. And according to studies it is found that flavonoids are efficient combatants of radical damage to tissues in one's human body, a known cause of many different kinds of cancer. Flavonoids are also beneficial to reduce oxidative stress to the cardiovascular system and also protect from neurological disease.

Some studies says that fennel seeds have antioxidants which also have anti-inflammatory properties which works very effectively in treating arthritis and Crohn's disease.

High In Fiber
It is found that 100grams of fennel seeds gives over 150% of the DV of dietary fiber. This fiber helps in balance the metabolism and also helps in proper digestion.

Digestive Aid
We all know that chewing fennel seed just after the meals is great way to aid digestion. Therefore it also helps to maintain recommended DV of fiber in our body which helps to prevent constipation, cleanse the body's digestive system and also aid the stomach in formation of bile and other digestive juices.

High in Calcium
According to studies 100grams of fennel seeds provide 120% of DV of calcium which is an essential element for bone health. Calcium maintains healthy teeth and bones and also helps to maintain cardiovascular health.

High in Iron
100grams of fennel seeds provide 100% iron which plays an important role in muscle function, brain function and the formation of hemoglobin. Iron deficiency can lead to several health conditions like anemia.

Lung Health
Some reports say that chewing fennel seeds helps to lower the symptoms of asthma, clear sinuses, stabilize breathing.

Fennel seeds are mostly eaten raw as they are said to improve eyesight. Root extracts of fennel seeds are mostly used in tonics which help to clear cloudy eyes. It is also used for the treatment of glaucoma.

Breast Milk
There are traditional stories that fennel is a galactagogue, helping the milk supply of a breastfeeding mother.

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