- 1). Wait for the seed pods to turn black or yellow. Shake the pods carefully and listen for a rattling sound. Remove the seed pods from the lupine.
- 2). Place the seed pods in a container. Allow the seeds to emerge naturally as the seed pods dry out. Gather the seeds and discard the pods.
- 3). Rub the lupine seeds onto sandpaper. This will scar the surface to allow them to germinate.
- 4). Place the lupine seeds into a clean container. Fill the container with hot water and soak the seeds for three hours.
- 5). Examine the seeds after three hours. The seeds that are viable will sink to the bottom and swell. They will also have a brown or yellow hue. Discard the seeds that float to the top.
- 6). Plant the lupine seeds 12 inches apart in a container at a depth of twice the width of the seeds. Cover the seeds with soil and water them to keep the soil moist.
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