The White City i? the n?m? given to the World's Columbian Exposition that t?ok place ?n Chicago. It wa? th? 400th anniversary celebration ?f Columbus's discovery of the n?w world.
Coming after the Paris Exposition th?t produced th? Eiffel Tower, Chicago and the American people desired to have ?om?thing th?t w?uld at l?ast rival or d? ?n? b?tter than the French. It w?? a tall order. They chose t? build ? city on th? lake. Some of th? best architects ?f New York, Boston ?nd Chicago were called u??n t? help. There w?r? buildings set up for many of the states and ??veral foreign nations. The main structure wa? called the Manufacturers ?nd Liberal Arts building. Its floor w?? thirty two acres in size. It wa? ?o massive th?t 140,000 c?uld stand inside ?t ?t the dedication ceremony.
As for the challenge t? the Eiffel Tower, ? Pittsburg steel engineer ??m? u? with ? plan. They would build ? giant wheel at Bethlehem Steel that w?uld b? the largest ?n? piece casting ever. The axle and ?t? fittings weighed 142,000 pounds. This w?? t? b? George Ferris's giant wheel. Daniel H. Burnham, the architect ?n charge ?f the fair wa? excited ?bout the idea. Many people d?dn't bel?ev? Chicago could put on ? show l?k? Paris had. This Wheel that could hold 2000 people ?t a time might ?ust do the trick.
Landscape architect Fred Olmstead, wh? h?d designed New York's Central Park and Boston's Greenway, w?s The chief designer f?r the fair and he called f?r scenery th?t w?uld not be gaudy in any w?? but b? pleasing to the eye. He didn't w?nt a garden effect but ov?rall scenery and he desired t? h?v? it ready by opening day ?n May 1, 1893.
Meanwhile there wa? ? serial killer operating in and ?r?und the city ?f Chicago. The author go?? back ?nd forth between th? exposition progress ?nd th? work of The Devil ?n the White City. Chicago was ? busy place and people w?nt missing ?ll th? time.
The fair wa? plagued w?th su?h problems ?s labor disputes, wind damage, deaths and illnesses ?f th?se asso??at?d with ?ts completion. Olmstead h?d t? have oth?r? finish his work at th? crucial time due t? hi? sickness.
Politics w?s ?n style in the windy city dur?ng th? high nineties. Union bosses wer? gaining importance but detectives weren't too numerous and crime w?? ?n th? rise.
In honor ?f opening day, Francis Bellamy composed a pledge that th? Bureau ?f Education decided t? send t? ?v?ry school in th? nation. This w?? th? Pledge ?f Allegiance to th? Flag that we ?ll remember ?nd w?s us?d ?n classrooms everywhere. In th?t huge Manufacturer's Bldg., there wa? a band ?f 500 and ? choir ?f 5000. Still, the microphone w?s not ??t invented. It w?? hard for ?v?r??ne to hear th? speakers on the podium.
The Ferris Wheel was ? great hit and man? new products w?r? introduced at th? fair. Western Electric's Alternating Current h?d outbid Edison's Direct Current f?r use ?t th? fair. It ?oon be?ame th? preferred electricity ar?und th? nation. Shredded Wheat w?? firth introduced th?re ?? w?s Aunt Jemima products ?nd Cracker Jacks. The f?r?t moving pictures were shown th?re on Edison's Kinetoscope.
The clever Chicago serial killer w?s eventually caught after h? made a f?w fatal mistakes. Herman H Holmes had tortured ?nd murdered ab?ut fifty unlucky souls. The deed wa? don? ?n ? house known locally a? th? castle.
This i? ? story of Good and Evil living side by side. They w?re separate events th?t show high nineties life and th? actions ?f ? madman creating chaos ?t th? turn of the century. Chicago w?? a busy place at that time ?nd an interesting part of American history.
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