Travel & Places Other - Destinations

Grand Canyon National Park

Make sure you include the Grand Canyon National Park in your vacation planning list this summer as this is a must visit scenic beauty.
It's exciting and powerful landscape engulfs its visitors' sense mainly because of its huge size spreading 446 kms in length and 29kms wide with a depth of 1.
6 kms.
The Park is divided into two parts the North Rime and the South Rim.
However, during winter the North Rim is covered with snow and hence is closed for visitors.
This usually is closed until the mid of May when the snow melts and the climate changes making it accessible to visitors once again.
The temperature in the Grand Canyon National Park during summer is very pleasant on the higher elevation but much hotter at the lower ranges.
Monsoon climates with thunderstorms are experienced in the months of July to early September.
Winter is extreme at both the Rims but however the North Rim is always closed to visitors during winter.
One of the many places of interest that visitors must not miss is the Skywalk.
This is under the control of the Hualapai tribe.
It is in the shape of a horse shoe with steel frame and glass floors.
The beauty of this construction is that is projects 70 feet out of the canyon rim where you find that you are walking in the air.
This is where it got its name the Skywalk.
This wonder is a must on every tour package planned for the canyon.
Though the North is completely closed during winter you can enjoy a few sightseeing and adventure trips at the South Rim.
You can go ranging and learn a bit about the culture, history, science and nature of the Grand Canyon Park; visit one or two museums; you can visit the desert drive which has a great scenic view.
You can climb up to the top of a 70 feet tall watchtower and take a look at the panoramic views from there.
Besides these hiking and biking, mountain ranging, mule trips and river trips and picnicking are of great interest for most of the visitors.
The most amusing discovery at the Grand Canyon Park is that there has never been a single skeleton of more than twenty species of amphibians and reptiles on the sand, but no whole bones or teeth of fossilized reptile, not even a single bone of a reptile.

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