Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

Three Types of Quit Smoking Programs

Congratulations! You have finally made the decision to quit smoking.
You should be proud of yourself for deciding to make a break from your addiction to nicotine and start your life over as a non-smoker.
Obviously, you are more than aware of the many reasons why you should enroll in a quit smoking program and kick the habit.
The cost of smoking, both in terms of money and your health is astronomical.
It is a dirty, filthy habit, it makes your hair, clothes, and breath smell bad, and being an addict is just no fun at all.
When you are looking into a quit smoking program, you need to decide just how serious you are about quitting.
You also have to put the thought completely out of your mind that you will ever be able to smoke another cigarette.
You will not be able to just smoke one, now and then, in the future.
You have to decide once and for all to never smoke another cigarette again, as long as you live, or you will not succeed.
There are three main types of quit smoking programs that can help you get back on track to a healthy life: 1 - Nicotine gum, patches, and lozenges have been very popular over the past several decades, but they don't always work that well.
If you don't have incredible will power, you will fail.
Also, because you are addicted to more than just nicotine - you love the feel, the touch, the smell, the whole routine of lighting up - you will have a tough time quitting with these.
2 - There are now prescription medications that make smoking less desirable.
They help you break the addiction to nicotine, but again, you will still desire to have a cigarette in your hand, your mouth, your pocket, and have it there to play with.
3 - Believe it or not, quitting cold turkey is a totally viable option for many people.
This type of smoking cessation has a higher rate of success than any other.
It may sound scary, but after the first few days, your body clears itself of the nicotine and if you can deal without having a cigarette to play with, this may be the best route for you.
There are books, CDs, and DVDs that can help you make this method of quit smoking program easier for you, so you can learn to live without the touch of the cigarette.

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