One must always keep in mind that safety precautions can never become a part of our mindset overnight.
Rather, it must become a fundamental part of our mindset.
Experts often advise amateurs to follow the rule of never letting their finger cross the path of the blade no matter how near or far it is.
On the face of it, this advice seems like overkill.
What is the problem if you get your finger in the path of the blade if it is a few feet away? There is nothing wrong in doing so.
However, you never know when your mind may react in the same manner and when you will bring your finger in the path of the table saw when it is just a few inches away.
Secondly, your persistence with the rule will send a message to all other persons who work on the table saw with you that safety is paramount.
The saw is powerful enough to simply cut through the finger.
There have been many mishaps where individuals have permanently lost their fingers because it was cut by the saw.
Even if you are lucky enough to avoid such a fate, you will definitely suffer a lot of pain and will have to spend a lot of money on treatment.
Considering all this, sticking to this seemingly foolish rule makes a lot more sense.
How to make sure you do not forget this rule in the beginning? Have posters fixed on the table saw itself.
This will always remind you that your fingers belong either to the left or the right of the saw but never in between.
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