I am always surprised at the extreme positions people take when talking about Network Marketing. Some people are passionate about it in the extreme, yet, in many circles, you might as well declare yourself a leper as divulge being involved in it.So, what seems to be the issue?When people talk about Network Marketing others have a mental picture of pyramiding and of exploitation ? But you can't really take issue with the tiered compensation structure-almost every large sales organization in the world has that. Salespeople get commission, and sales managers get bonuses because those beneath them perform and so it goes on.Or maybe it's the fact that you have to pay to participate in it? But that can't be it-that's a standard franchising model. And I assure you, the franchise fee of most traditional franchises tower over the initial cost of any MLM program by comparison.Now certainly, there are illegal pyramid, or "Ponzi", schemes. This is where the money is all being made off of signing up other people, with little or no real product ever being delivered. But in spite of whatever perceptions people may have, the fact is that Amway, Excel, Meleleuca, USANA, ACN and Polaris ( just to name a few ) who have sold millions upon millions of dollars of products to happy customers, many of whom are NOT also reps. So, there may be a discernment problem here, but if so, the perception is out of line with the reality.But surely the bad reputation Network Marketing has, might have a kernel of truth in it.The real trouble with MLM is not MLM itself, but some of the people it attracts. Network marketing is just a business model, and it really amounts to "micro-franchising". Its upside is that it has a very low cost of entry, with the potential for exceptional revenue, and there are those who achieve that.But those same things that make it attractive make it attractive to many who are NOT really qualified or prepared to become business owners. The significant characteristics of MLM make it attractive to people who have not done well in their previous business or have no idea of running a business. Perhaps they have had no experience in sales; in meeting and greeting people and other skills necessary to be successful. Perhaps they do not have the self - discipline to work from home. have not done well in their business or profession and have little money saved up to investDon't get me wrong-I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with any of these things as they are all skills and attitudes which can be learned but, at the same time, many fall, crestfallen off the Network Marketing perch because they are lacking in these areas. This may not represent the bulk of Network Marketers, but may represent a disproportionate number of themAs a result, many network marketers might find themselves overly concerned with recruiting; busying themselves signing up others to the detriment of selling an outstanding product; a product they believe in. They find themselves seeing the people as a product and what they're meant to be selling as merely incidental.Again, I'm certainly not saying that this describes a majority of network marketers, but itdoes describe enough of them to tarnish the reputation of the rest. To jump to conclusions about someone's motives merely based on a small minority of people in that group is, most certainly, unwarranted, but we must appreciate that most prejudices have some foundation in fact even if it has been twisted.So what's the answer?Education. Netowrk Marketing or /MLMing is a great opportunity for people to begin their first business, their first sales role or a continuing, life long one. But, it is a business and you are a business owner. And if you've never owned a business before, if you've never done sales before, if you've never networked before, you need to learn and to learn fast. You need to educate yourself before jumping in; and to do this I would recommend a coach. A coach or mentor will help you hit the ground running.Network marketers who are serious about building a business need to treat it as such. Do you have a financial plan? Do you jhave a Marketing Plan ? In short, do you have a Business Plan ? Act like a small business owner; be a small business owner and people will treat you like one.
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