In a perfect world, there would be a perfect jogging stroller.
It would be lightweight and heavy duty, comfortable, storable, and versatile.
It would have trays and pockets and adjustments all over the place.
It would have design innovations to save you money in the long run.
It would offer its precious passengers fresh air and protection from the elements.
And it would be cheap.
I can tell you now that there isn't a stroller in the world that fits all those criteria.
But while there's no such thing as the "perfect" stroller, there is the right stroller for you.
And it's made up of your selection from a set of "perfect" features that fit the way you live and what you want to do with the stroller.
So here are some of those "perfect" features.
If you're shopping for a stroller, you can use it to begin your own list of what you really want to get in a stroller and what's not so important to you.
You can fold the stroller with one hand and hold the baby with the other.
If you've ever tried to fold a stroller with one hand and stop a toddler from running into traffic with the other, you know how useful this is.
If you're in a parking lot, you can strap baby into the car and then fold the stroller, but it becomes such a hassle that sometimes you just decide not to go out.
And folding a stroller while people on the bus watch impatiently? You want a true one-handed fold stroller.
It offers a comfortable ride over rugged trails.
You love the outdoors, and you know it's good for you to get out cover those rough trails you've enjoyed so much.
And now that the baby's a little older (six months or so, at least), you want to start introducing him or her to the rugged outdoor experiences you've enjoyed so much.
You want a solid jogging stroller with adjustable suspension for a more comfortable ride.
It fits your growing family.
Maybe what you're looking for is not so much hard-core jogging, but something appropriate for a busy, active, growing family.
Something that will take your first child from newborn to toddler in style and then adapt into a comfortable maneuverable, compact double stroller when the need arises.
Your jogging stroller should be comfortable for the parent, too.
Features such as adjustable handlebars, parent tray for coffee, keys, and cellphone, a large underseat compartment to store the diaper bag make the ride easier for the one doing the pushing.
This is just a short list of some of the innovations that have made the jogging stroller market so interesting -- and confusing.
Can you get all these features on the same stroller? No.
But if you know which fits your situation the best, you can find a stroller you like, enjoy, and most important, use.
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