Pregnancy is certainly one of the life-changing experiences for a woman. However, during the pregnancy, a woman has to undergo certain changes which come with the birth of baby in the womb. These changes can be both overwhelming as well as exhilarating.
The pregnancy signs and symptoms can vary from woman to woman. There is a significant hormonal change in the body of female and the symptoms which are responsible for these changes are known as pregnancy symptoms.
This article deals with some of the pregnancy signs and symptoms. It is important for every woman to undergo this article as it can help them a lot.
One of the most significant and obvious sign of pregnancy is delayed or missed menstrual cycle. This symptom is also known as amenorrhea. Some women can experience bleeding even during the pregnancy. However, this bleeding is considerably lighter as well as shorter as compared with the normal periods. Once you experience bleeding during the pregnancy stage, you must immediately look for the medical advice. During this stage, it becomes quite essential to check the health condition of a woman and baby.
Another general symptom of pregnancy is nausea or morning sickness. Nausea usually occurs with fatigue. This symptom is experienced during the first 3 months of pregnancy. As per the medical studies, it has been revealed that different women can have different degree of nausea. In fact, 8 out of 10 women experience varying degree of nausea during the first few months. There are even some of the women who are fortunate enough not to experience morning sickness.
Sensitive and/or swollen breasts are also major symptoms of pregnancy. These types of symptoms can begin from one to two weeks after conception. These symptoms are coupled with some other symptoms such as darkening of areolas and emerging skin around nipples.
There are certain women that experience craving for some of the food items. Such a craving can last for few months or throughout the entire process of pregnancy.
During the early stages of your pregnancy, you can experience headaches. The reason for this symptom is the abrupt rise of hormones in body of female.
Another common symptom of pregnancy is the frequent need of urination. During the period of pregnancy, the fetus starts to grow and as a result there is swelling inside the uterus. This swelling causes pressure in the bladder and this is the reason why a pregnant woman has to go bathroom so often.
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