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Salvia towers over gerbera.gerbera daisy image by Brad Johnson from Fotolia.com
Plant salvia as a backdrop for white daisies, black-eyed Susan or gerbera. Salvia's tall, purple spikes and delicate, green leaves provide beautiful contrast to the bright, broad yellows, pinks and whites of these flowers. - 2
Salvia can protect low-growing creeping phlox.blue phlox image by Liga Lauzuma from Fotolia.com
Companion-plant salvia to protect low-growing, clumping flowers like artemesia, creeping phlox, impatiens or dianthus. Salvia grows up to 24 inches tall and will provide a spiking contrast to these colorful, mounding flowers. - 3
Creeping thyme provides great color contrast for salvia.herb garden image by Steve Lovegrove from Fotolia.com
Pair salvia's silver-grey stems with the tiny, deep-green leaves of creeping thyme, spilling over and between rocks. Plant it with heather for a combination of lavenders and purples, and for their heavenly scents. - 4
Succulents like sedum pair well with salvia.sedum image by Lytse from Fotolia.com
Plant salvia with succulents like aloe, hens-and-chicks, yucca and sedum in a gray-green color palette for a garden that is drought-resistant and textured. - 5
Salvia can be pretty planted near a clematis vine.clematis image by madlen stahl from Fotolia.com
Combine salvia with other plants that thrive in alkaline soil, such as clematis, iris, scabiosa or vinca. When they die back, dig leaves and spent stems back into the soil to nourish it.
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