Business & Finance Careers & Employment

Resume Writer 411 - What to Look For When You Decide to Hire a Professional Resume Writer

I probably don't have to tell you that looking for a professional resume writer is no easy little task.
It's time-consuming, and at times, your search can become a teeth-gritting, wall-kicking, tearing-out-your-hair experience.
But it doesn't have to be.
If you have a good solid idea of what to look for, more than likely, you'll be able to find what you need a whole lot faster: Search For A Professional Resume Writer Tip #1: Look for a clean, professional-looking website.
Okay, you might stumble upon a great writer (or two) who are without websites, but think about it.
What does that really say? It says unprofessional, fly-by-night.
Could possibly pick up and go at any time.
A true professional writer should always have a clean, organized, user-friendly and richly-informative website.
One that's easy to get around.
A website that clearly explains the resume writing process.
A website that tells you a little bit about the owner/company.
And a website that gives you clear instructions on how to place your order for resume writing services.
Search For A Professional Resume Writer Tip #2: Look For Resume Writing Samples.
Any professional resume writer's website should have writing samples you can look at.
I've actually seen great-looking websites without a resume or cover letter sample anywhere.
Granted, I don't have dozens of samples on my own website, but I do have a few, and I'm always willing to send more if they're requested.
Now if you find a resume writing business that you're interested in and you don't see samples, email this service and request a clear sample or two.
A sample will give you an idea of what this professional writer is capable of developing for you.
Search For A Professional Resume Writer Tip #3: Look For Clear Contact Information.
An email address alone isn't enough...
look for a street address, and at the very least, a phone number where you're able to reach this resume writer and get answers to any questions you might have.
Even though maintaining contact by email is a normal thing, sometimes it's better when you can talk to this professional directly over the phone.
You'll be able to make a much more informed decision.
These three items are good to start with in your search for a resume writer.
I'm currently working on a part 2 to this article, which will definitely provide you with a few more tips.
Until then, good luck to you in your search, and I hope these tips will help.

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