WHAT IS ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION ? According to the Web, erectile dysfunction (ED) is impotence resulting from a man's inability to have or maintain an erection of his penis.
The National of Health statistics revealed that from 15 to 30 million men in the United States have erectile disorder.
But many of them don't know fixing erectile dysfunction, it is not something that should be placed aside and forgotten about.
If the muscular contraction ceases the blood flow by opening the passage, erection is reversed.
As men grow older, they become prone to many disease.
Their sensations are so clogged up with the drugs that they do not have any other interest.
Perennial drug abusers.
Other options for a man to sustain an erection are:using a Vacuum Constriction Device (VCD), Intraurethal therapy or Penile Implant.
When a man has Erectile Dysfunction, it is a symptom that there is something wrong within; it is a fact that men with penile dysfunction are likely to suffer from other disorders.
Oral medications such as Viagra, Cialis or Levitra have achieved around 50 to 60 percent of success.
His relationship with his family and those around him begins to crumble so he builds a wall between them.
Healthy foods are also beneficial for those having the erectile dysfunction.
The best thing for a impotent patient and his partner to do is accept that there is a problem and to seek remedy.
That is the sensible way in fixing erectile dysfunction.
TREATMENT AND CURES Yohimbene - Yohimbene improves erection for only a small percentage of males by stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system; it also improves libido.
There will also be a laboratory and some other tests.
Only around 10 to 20 percent of men act favorably to Yohimbene.
Variations of this drug are:caverject, edex, prostin VR injections and Muse suppositions.
Hormone replacement is beneficial to restore the proper level.
Common side effect are headaches, reddening of the face and neck (flashing), indigestion and nasal congestion.
The physician, together with patient studies his life by tracing his past medical history, the drugs imbibed, illnesses suffered, and other things.
Finally, would be the psychosocial examination using interview and question-answer method to get into the psychological factor.
Alpostradil is injected into the body to relax the muscles and tissues.
Eat only whole grain, fresh fruits and veggies,, and unprocessed food including soy beans, nuts, olive oil and cold water fish to stop erectile dysfunction.
Side effects are:pain in the penis, testicles legs and the area between the scrotum and the rectum, warmth or burning sensations in the urethra, reddening of the penis due to heightened blood flow and sometimes slight bleeding.
The side effects of Yohimbre are:heightened heart rate, blood pressure and a feeling of dizziness, nervousness and irritability.
Prelox is made from a combination of L-arginine, an essential amino acid pcynogenal which is source from the Maritime pine tree.
The woman's negative suspicions may cause her to stop talking to her husband and if she continues this kind of attitude, she may create a formula for disaster.
They are now researching in using the gene as a treatment.
Based on the degree of the impairment, it may last from 5 to 20 sessions, one hour weekly or for every two weeks.
Researchers are hoping to discover a drug or therapy that is more effective, works rapidly and has fewer side effects to cure or prevent erectile dysfunction.
Although approved by the FDA, it has side effects:dizziness, heart palpitation, flush feeling and permanent scarring of penis if done too often.
It is better to involve the partner in the therapy.
partner and the patient.
You may be among the lucky few if you can say that you do not have any health problems, but being healthy is a condition that you have to work for and maintain.
So fixing erectile dysfunction is possible if you know how to treat it.
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