Home & Garden Maintenance & Repairs

What Can You Do If Hard Water Is A Problem For You?

Hard water is a term which refers to water with a high dissolved mineral content. Calcium and magnesium are the two most important minerals to consider. Hard water is not a problem for health - but it can cause mineral deposits to build up in water pipes, heating systems, kettles and other domestic appliances. When using soap or detergent products it has poorer performance when compared to soft water - it produces less lather.

Water, quite naturally filters through rock and soil, and during this process small quantities of minerals are dissolved and held in solution in the water. The level of hardness increases as the amount of magnesium and calcium in the solution rises.

To further complicate matters, there are two distinct types of water hardness - permanent hardness and temporary hardness. Both are due to mineral content.

Permanent hardness is usually caused by calcium and magnesium sulphates and/or chlorides in the water. It cannot be removed by boiling but, somewhat confusingly, despite its name it can be removed. This is usually done by the use of an ion exchange column - a water softener - which swaps magnesium and calcium ions with sodium ions.

Temporary hardness can be removed either by boiling the water or by the addition of lime. It is caused by a combination of calcium and bicarbonate ions in the water. Boiling the water causes the bicarbonate to form carbonates and removes calcium carbonate from the solution leaving water which is softer upon cooling.

Scaling, also known as limescale, is the result of mineral deposits formed after the hard water has evaporated. This scale can clog pipes, form deposits in kettles and reduce the effectiveness and working life span of domestic appliances such as washing machines and dishwashers.

However, there are some relatively simple and easy steps which you can take in order to combat the effect of hard water in your home.

First of all, pick the right soaps and detergents. There are plenty of washing powders and liquid cleaners specifically designed for use in hard water areas. Selecting the correct one will not only get your dishes and clothes cleaner more easily, but will increase the working life of your domestic appliances by lowering the build up of limescale.

Secondly, reduce the temperature setting of your water boiler. The higher the water temperature is, the more mineral deposits are released from the water. These deposits will be transferred to your plumbing, your storage tank and any appliances which are connected to the hot water supply. Setting both your washing machine and dishwasher to operate at reduced temperatures (choose the right soaps and detergents for this) will also help.

If your main concern is the taste of the water supplied into your house, then filtering the water will usually get rid of enough of the minerals to improve this dramatically. Fit an under sink filter, an on tap filter or, if you only need relatively small quantities of water, use an inexpensive jug type filter.

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