Everyone recognizes the value of getting regular exercise, not only to improved health but also just to feel better physically. However, most people don't exercise enough to get these benefits. Mark Twain said "I have never taken any exercise except sleeping and resting, and I never intend to take any. Exercise is loathsome." Unfortunately, too many people share that feeling. This short article explains some of the reasons why people avoid exercising.
Reason 1 - Exercise is boring.
Exercise is only boring if it is repetitive motion that doesn't require any thought. The biggest reason to play a sport for exercise is that the competitive nature of sports requires you to remain alert mentally. Let your mind wander from what you're doing and you'll lose the game. But you don't have to play a sport to find mentally challenging exercise. Buy a Wii system; it is entertaining, mentally challenging and can help you get regular exercise without being bored.
Reason 2 - Exercise is tiring.
Exercising does consume energy but, unless you work out to the point of exhaustion, regular exercise should make you feel more energetic. Too many people begin exercising with no plan to start small and gradually increase their exertions, both in time and in energy output. If you exercise too long and too hard in the beginning, when you are most out of shape, of course you will find exercise tiring. And you will soon quit. Instead, develop an exercise program that gradually increases in duration and exertion. Then you will discover that regular exercise increases your energy levels.
Reason 3 - Exercise takes too long.
Only people who don't exercise by playing a sport make this statement. That's because playing sports is a lot of fun and the time spent doing it seems too short, not too long. But exercise doesn't have to take a long time even for those working out by themselves. A lot of studies have proven that you don't have to exercise for long periods of time to receive benefits. There are basically three types of exercise: cardio-vascular training, resistance training, and stretching. Cardio-vascular training is designed to make you winded; examples are jogging, swimming, and aerobic dancing. Resistance training strengthens your muscles; examples are lifting weights and resistance calisthenics such as push-ups. Stretching is self-explanatory. Your exercise program should include all three types of exercise, but you don't have to include all three in every workout. Instead, alternate the types of training on different days of the week. Do cardio-vascular training 30 minutes a day three days a week; lift weights or another type of resistance training 30 minutes a day two days a week; perform a stretching workout 20 minutes a day two days a week.
Reason 4 - I'm too old to exercise.
You are never too old to exercise regularly because there are lots of workouts that have been adapted to different ages. Almost all fitness programs can be modified to be suitable for participants of any age and even for those suffering from chronic illness, such as arthritis, commonly found in older people.
Conclusion - The benefits of exercising regularly are well known, but most people find a reason not to workout. This article identified four of these reasons and discussed why they should not keep anyone from enjoying fitness.
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