- 1). Push a piece of florist's foam into the bottom of a vase. This will hold the sticks for the cookie bouquet.
- 2). Pair up cookies of the same size and shape from the cookie tray.
- 3). Spread frosting on the backs the cookies.
- 4). Set the lollipop stick into the middle of the frosted side of one cookie from each pair.
- 5). Press the frosted sides of the matching cookies together with the lollipop stick between them.
- 6). Wrap colored cellophane or plastic food wrap around the cookies, gathering the plastic around the lollipop stick and tying it closed with a ribbon.
- 7). Repeat with the remaining cookie pairs to create cookie flowers for the bouquet.
- 8). Arrange the cookies in the vase by sticking the bottom of the lollipop sticks into the florist's foam.
- 9). Tie a larger ribbon around the vase and include a gift tag if desired.
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