Parents have the opportunity to give their children a strong head start early in life.
This period of development is fleeting, so unless parents jump on board early, their opportunity will be gone.
In order to give your baby a strong start in life, parents should start shortly after birth.
The period of development that takes place from birth to five years old is one of explosive brain development.
If parents tap into the potential of their baby, they can experience amazing results.
Parents that have set out to test the waters have proven that babies have the ability to learn to read beginning around three months of age.
This is fascinating; since most people feel that babies cannot even communicate until two or three years of age.
Why would we begin teaching non-communicative babies how to read, and how do we know they can read? First of all, when you begin teaching your baby to read as an infant, your child will never know a time when they couldn't read.
Reading is second nature to your child.
Children that were taught to read as babies generally develop advanced reading levels and read in a more efficient manner than those of us who learned to read much later.
But the bottom line is, it is just so darn easy to teach a baby to read, why wait until it becomes much more difficult? You can teach your baby to read in just minutes a day.
It doesn't require long drawn out lessons.
Depending on the method you use, it takes a few quick sessions, around 30 seconds in duration.
In less than two minutes a day, you can be giving your baby the gift of literacy at a time when it is easiest for your child to attain.
What parent doesn't want to give their child such an advantage? Why not teach your baby to read before it is too late?
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