Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

A collection fo tips and tricks for getting pregnant fast

I know that when you want to get pregnant, you want everything to happen very quickly, but getting pregnant is not so simple. Even if it is not so easy there are some tricks to getting pregnant fast and naturally:

Always think positive! If you think positive you can get everything you want: a successful career, a happy married life and a baby! Your desire to become pregnant should not become a burden. You have to  feel happy and relaxed about yourself, to be able to maintain a regular menstrual cycle and of course to be able to conceive a baby.

Stay relaxed and avoid stress! Stress affect fertility, it may cause an imbalance in your hormones that are necessary to reproduction such as estrogen in females and testosterone in males. In this way these hormones can influence the functioning of your ovaries by causing delays in ovulation or the release of your egg during each menstrual cycle. So if ovulation is delayed then you cannot get pregnant. our advice is to eliminate stress from your life to increase your chances of getting pregnant!

Make sex fun! This will give you more chances of conceiving because it means that no opportunity will be missed. After each sex stay down for at least 5 minutes, because fertility experts say that immediately after intercourse you have to give the sperm the chance to fertilize with the egg.

Be careful and create a healthy environment for Sperm! Give the chance to sperm cells to live as long as possible, thereby increasing the likelihood of reaching the egg to fertilize it.Avoid vaginal artificial lubricants, sprays and scented tampons, vegetable oils, and glycerin and saliva. Also avoid places with high temperatures and do not dush few hours after intercourse. This is one of the best tips and tricks to getting pregnant fast and naturally.

Keep a menstrual calendar! It will tell you the exact time that the ovulation is taking place so that you can be able to have sex on such times. Getting pregnant is also a numbers game. Even if you do everything "right,"  you have only 25% to 30% chance of conceiving in any given cycle. So in the fertile period (five days before ovulation) you should make love at least every 48 hours. In this way you will ensure a fresh shipment of sperm in vagina and you will increase your chances of getting pregnant fast.

Take care of your health! Be very responsible so eat lots of fruits and vegetables and maintain your weight and BMI at healthy levels to increase your chances of getting pregnant.  Also excessive consumption of caffeine helps increase the risk of infertility, so please reduce it.  Besides these, if you work in an environment where you are exposed to hazardous substances, please be careful because some substances can affect both sperm quality and embryo development as well. A good health helps you to conceive quickly a baby!

If you want to discover more tricks to getting pregnant fast please visit

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