Home & Garden Maintenance & Repairs

Ryobi Chainsaw Oiler Troubleshooting

    • 1). Loosen the bar tensioner screw clockwise to release the tension on the chain. This screw is located near the point where the bar and engine connect. Turn the screw until the chain hangs slack below the bar.

    • 2). Unscrew the bar nuts with the wrench. Remove the bar cover, bar and chain from the engine. Separate the chain from the bar. Wipe the bar clean with a rag.

    • 3). Stick the tip of a knife into the top of one of the bar's guide slots. Scrape the knife down to the heel of the bar. Remove any built up sawdust, oil and dirt from the guide slot. Repeat the process on the other side.

    • 4). Check the bar oiler holes. These two small holes are located above and below the notch the bar uses to sit on the bar posts. Clean these holes with your knife and brush.

    • 5). Unscrew the oil plate which covers the pump and sits next to the bar posts. Fill the oil tank if it does not have any oil in it. Start the chainsaw without any of its covers on. Depress the throttle and look for a few drops of oil to come out of the oiler nipple. If there is no oil present, the problem lies between the pump hose and the tank.

    • 6). Unscrew the oil cap and pour any remaining oil into the tank. Clean the tank with your brush and rag. Grab the oil pickup and filter with needle nosed pliers. Pull them out of the tank, disconnect them from the line and replace them with new parts.

    • 7). Take the chainsaw to a mechanic to test the operation of the oil pump. Replace the oil pump if the problem still persists.

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