Society & Culture & Entertainment sports & Match

Lets Go Crappie Fishing!

Crappie fishing is popular for many reasons.
Crappie fishing can be done by people of all ages and sizes.
Fish like carp and bass can put up too much of a fight for children or smaller adults.
Also, the equipment required to fish bass and carp costs more than that needed to catch crappie.
Crappie fishing can be done with a simple, light pole.
Nothing large, fancy, or expensive is needed.
Crappie can also be found all over the United States in rivers, streams, and lakes.
Crappie can also be caught in any season over most of the country, though in some parts they can only be found in certain seasons.
Crappie can be found in large schools around waters that offer a lot of cover during the summer and winter.
During the summer and winter months you should look for places with a lot of shade and cover and fish in those areas.
In the spring the crappie go to their spawning grounds which tend to be places with not much wind and decent amounts of cover.
In the fall crappie tend to be very unpredictable and can be found in waters ranging from a few feet to over thirty feet, with or without cover.
No matter which season it is, an inexpensive fish finder will help you locate crappie whether they are hiding or not.
There are black crappie and white crappie and you might want to alter your crappie fishing efforts depending on which type you want to catch.
While they taste the same, there are some differences between them that might help you catch them easier.
Black crappies are different than white crappies because they have seven or eight dorsal fins with random spotting patterns.
White crappies always have six dorsal fins and their spotting patterns are arranged in vertical flows.
The black crappie are found more often in cooler, slower moving waters such as large lakes and wide, slow rivers.
The white crappies tend to prefer warmer water and do not care as much if the water is clear or moving.
A popular place to fish for crappie is under wooden docks.
Some metal docks make too much noise when people walk on them, and this scares the crappie away.
Bait that imitates minnows tends to work very well.
The minnows also hang out near the docks and are the favorite food source of crappie.
Fishing for crappie can be fun for anyone and is a great way for a father to bond with a son.
Since crappie fishing is fairly easy it is not hard to have fun during a day of crappie fishing since you will not go home frustrated.
Crappie fish is a great way to get started fishing because it is not expensive at all.
You can move to fishing for other species if you want more of a challenge.

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