What you say is not nearly as important as how you say it.
Studies have shown that while people do make that all important, "first impression" after only ten seconds, the shocking truth is that only 7% of that impression is based on the words you say.
This is good news and bad news.
The bad news is that within ten seconds of you walking up and opening your mouth, she's already made up her mind of whether or not you are "in," or "out.
" But what does this mean to be "in," or "out"? Sex? Love? Marriage? Settle down cowboy.
When talking to girls, the first ten seconds really only determines if you qualify for another few minutes.
Then those few minutes will determine if you get the number or not.
Let's also be clear.
While she is "qualifying" you, you should also be "qualifying" her.
Anybody who is so desperate that they'll take anybody who gives them the time of day isn't going to be attractive.
So, right off the bat, putting some thought into qualifying her will increase your attractiveness.
Where were we.
Oh yes, those first important words.
Since we know that very little of her impression of you is going to be based on your actual words, they don't really matter that much.
The only time you should ever used a memorized "opener" is to help your own confidence.
Not because it makes you more attractive.
So what are women looking for? Relaxed, confident, and above all, make her feel safe.
Remember, this is for the initial approach.
The first minute or so that you talk to her.
Avoid leaning into her body language.
Say something that won't put her on the spot.
Say what's on your mind, so long as it's not too aggressive.
Don't be too nice, and tell her how beautiful she is.
While you may think she is beautiful, she already knows this.
The best way is to simply say something that's interesting, and true.
Something about the environment.
Something she can't disagree with.
Don't expect any response other than a smile, and an tacit invitation to keep going.
Don't expect her to fall all over herself with your amazing wit.
The bottom line of any opener is this: To carefully move her attention away from what it was on, to you.
Once you've got her attention, and she voluntarily keeps it on you, you're good to go.
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