Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Managing anger with intelligent will

We all get angry and yet we tend to manage it and express it in different ways. Hence, we must analyze why we get angry and how it arises and how can we can best deal with it or if possible root it out altogether.

We tend to get angry when we are restricted in our action by something or someone. This behaviour is evident right from our childhood when our parents or teachers caution us or forbid us from doing something, and then we get upset and want to rebel against the situation and do it anyway. We get angry when we don't get what we want, when our wishes and hopes aren't fulfilled and generally when things go wrong. We also get quite angry when someone doesn't agree to our views and conditions or when others just aren't able to understand our view point, or in understanding, feel differently than us.

Often analyzing ourselves is a difficult prospect because our ego interferes in our honest and reasoned judgement. We get very sensitive if our ego is attacked or criticized. Therefore, many find it easy to analyze others and their reactions and anger management. Same scenarios mentally played out with a list of your friends will yield varying results. Like for example, how each one reacts to some drink being spilt on them. Those with a friendly demeanour may react kindly and immediately forgive the honest mistake. Others that are impulsive may start out with a irritated reaction but then let it go. Few may even have a laugh about it; these are those that take life very easy. Then there are those with vehement egos or of a serious or sensitive demeanour that react with extreme anger or even rage and create a big scene.

These varying reactions have equally varying reasons such as heredity, culture, childhood environments, superiority complex, high irritability, impulsiveness and so on. Anger can be controlled, channelled and perhaps even done away with. However, an intelligent process and a strong will are essential because suppressing anger is not a good option either. We must become an impartial and a reasoned judge of ourselves and not become too emotionally involved. There must be a stoic endurance and an indifferent analysis of such situations that cause our angry reactions. This will help us bear the shocks of the world with a more calm and peaceful equanimity. Through constant reflection, analysis and endurance we can win over anger through non-reaction and let higher reason prevail. Our judgement will never be clouded by such a dark emotion. We could develop a witness attitude to life and take everything as it comes in its own merit. Thus we can sublimate anger instead of suppressing it.

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