If you want to know how to increase height, a good place to start is understanding why you are as tall as you are now.
There are several factors that contribute to a person's height.
Heredity is the single most significant factor in determining height.
However, it is possible through different methods to overcome genetics to some degree.
Similar to this is the early childhood environment; infants kept strapped in seats or strollers are less likely to grow into tall adults.
During later childhood, exercise is very important to the development of the long bones of the legs and the spine.
Also contrary to healthy environments for growth are desks and chairs at improper heights, where children sit, often slumped, for many hours each day.
Posture is an obvious but vital key to height.
Improper posture flattens the cartilage between the vertebrae, reducing height.
Diet is also a key element to height.
Some foods can prevent the production of the growth hormone, and should be avoided.
And of course a healthy diet is essential to a strong, healthy body.
Proteins, minerals, vitamins are good nutritious elements to increase your height.
However, some people believe that carbohydrates are of less importance for your growth.
Some dieticians also suggest to reduce foods from your diet like pastas, breads, cereals or potatoes, items rich with carbohydrates.
Focus only on the food intakes that are replete with proteins, glutamine and minerals that play vital part in the growth of your bones.
Once you have determined why you are as tall as you are, you can figure out the best way for your to increase height
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