- Twenty-three colleges and universities in Maryland offer teacher education programs that provide the coursework required to obtain a PEC or SPC I. As a part of this coursework, potential educators are required to complete twelve semester hours of reading coursework if seeking certification in the areas of early childhood, elementary and special education, and six semester hours of reading coursework if seeking certification at the secondary level. These courses are part of all Maryland-approved teacher education programs. Those completing a teacher education program elsewhere can test out of the reading requirement by obtaining a qualifying score on the Praxis II reading assessment. Other coursework requirements for out-of-state candidates are listed by desired area of certification on the Maryland State Department of Education website.
- All teachers seeking certification in Maryland must obtain a passing score on a basic skills exam such as the Praxis I (177), SAT(1100), ACT(24), or GRE(1000). A Praxis II exam is also required for many areas of certification. Those seeking certification can obtain a list of required tests and qualifying scores for each area of certification desired from the Maryland State Department of Education website. The cost for registration and testing varies by exam. Candidates for certification who hold a valid out-of-state certificate may be exempt from testing requirements based on the state's reciprocity agreements.
- Candidates who meet the requirements for certification can complete an online application for certification and submit college transcripts, official copies of scores on the required certification exams, and a cover letter with name, Social Security number, address, phone number and area of certification being sought to:
Maryland State Department of Education
Certification Branch
200 West Baltimore Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21201 - Potential educators who hold a bachelor's degree or higher in a field other than education and want to change careers can apply for a Resident Teacher Certificate (RTC). In order to obtain an RTC, candidates must be hired by a Maryland school district and placed into a Maryland Approved Alternative Teacher Preparation Program (MAATP). Before acceptance into a program is granted, candidates must receive passing scores on the Praxis I and Praxis II exams required for the desired area of certification. Once part of the program, candidates take required courses while teaching under a supervisory program. The specifics of each program vary by school district.
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