Health & Medical Eye Health & Optical & Vision

Eyelid Stye

Removing an eyelid stye, also sometimes spelled sty, can be challenging, but can also help you get rid of a great deal of pain and irritation.
The advice given here is not medical advice, as you should always seek professional medical treatment if it is available.
Stye's are usually not a serious medical condition, so many people treat them themselves.
Here is some information about how to treat them.
Caused by an infection of the sebaceous glands on the eye, a sty is basically a small pimple on the lid.
Bacteria generally cause them.
When one begins to form, you will experience irritation that feels like something is in your eye.
Most people try to flush their eye out with water or some other form of sterile liquid, but soon find that something else is the matter.
Most of these types of problems will go away on their own in a week or less if you just keep the area clean.
When one lasts more than a week, you should immediately seek medical attention, as it may be more serious than you thought.
To start with knowing how to treat a sty, there are a few things you should know not to do.
Though you will want to, never rub your eye.
This will just cause further irritation and other possible problems.
The next thing to avoid is trying to remove the puss from the stye by either squeezing it or piercing it with a needle or other sharp object.
This will only spread the problem and make it worse.
The final warning is to not use any ointment with polysporin in it around your eyes.
The two things you can do to help involve a tea bag and a warm wet wash cloth.
Tea has something called tannic acid in it, which acts as an agent to kill bacteria and draw the puss out.
Get a tea bag and soak it in warm water for a few minutes.
It is important to use warm water, not hot water.
Burning your eye will only make matters worse.
Hold the tea bag against the problem area for ten minutes a few times a day.
Many people believe that this alone will cut the time you have a problem in half.
The other option is gently washing your eye several times a day with a warm wet washcloth.
Make sure to use a clean one every time.

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