Society & Culture & Entertainment Arts & Crafts Business

Make A Tutu

It's amazing on how much the tutu industry has grown. There's so many boutiques to choose from and many women are overwhelmed with the choices. That is why a lot of women have turned to the internet to find out how to make tutus themselves!

Making tutus can save women money. Why spend up to $70 for a tutu, when you can learn the same techniques most well known boutiques use? For less than $10 in material, you can make a professional quality tutu in less than an hour.

When you're getting started making tutus, that can be overwhelming as well. That is why I've created easy to follow instructions on making a basic non sew tutu. Whether you want the basics or you want a more comprehensive guide, I'm here to show you how to get started below.

Materials Needed:

3/4" Width Roll of Non Roll Elastic (Amount will be determined by original waist size measurement minus 2") or elastic headband for waist

6" by 25 yard rolls of tulle (2-3 rolls for a baby-2 year old and 3-4 rolls for ages 4 and up)

Lip Edge Ruler, Rotary Cutter and Craft Cutting Mat (this is to cut even strips.


Paper Towel Roll

Cut Tulle:

Using the 6" by 25-yard rolls of tulle, cut each strip to the length you want your tutu. For example, let's say you want your tutu to be 12" long. You have to then double the length and add an additional 2" to compensate for the knot you will be tying. For a 12" tutu, you will want to cut the tulle to 24" plus an additional 2" making it a total of 26" long. You length might be different.

How to make waistband:

Measure waist and cut your elastic 2-3" smaller than waist measurement to compensate for the slight enlargement of the elastic once all the strips are tied on. Overlap both elastic ends about a half an inch and sew both ends of elastic together by hand or with a sewing machine.

If you want a non sew waistband, you can use stretchy headbands from your local drugstore. Most come in one size but it's possible to find some children sized headbands for babies and toddler tutus.

Tying Strips to the Waistband:

Step 1: Fold strip in half to make an upside down "u" shape and bring it behind the elastic waistband to form a loop.

Step 2: Bring the ends of the tulle strip through the loop and pull down on the ends of the strip to secure. Do Not pull it too tight as that can overstretch the elastic waistband. You can also tie regular double knots.

Step 3: Continue tying slipknots or regular double knots around the entire waistband until you acheive the desired fullness. Most baby toddler tutus will use between 40-80 strips of tulle. A good formula to go by is to tie at least 4 strips of tulle per inch of original elastic measurement. So if you cut your elastic to 20", you should aim for 80 strips of tulle. 20" waistband x 4 = 80 strips pf tulle.

After following steps above, you should have a professional looking full tutu!

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