Our eyes are all up towards sky
We are asking the rain God, Why?
Not a drop of rain in our region?
Why has he got different opinion?
Why not rain evenly on whole globe?
What are you having in mind to probe?
Have we erred somewhere to invite your wrath?
Our precious animals are facing the death
There is no drop of water in soil
Everything stands to disappear or to spoil
What are we going to face as consequences?
Will it be drought or long spell of bad sequences?
We have nothing to offer except prayers
We have sought the help from sooth Sayers
The sun is blazing with hot rays
It is proving as very difficult ways
We have no more options left
You offer it to us in form of gift
We have always looked towards you
It has been always helpful and true
Thousands may perish in quest
We have tried our level best
It may prove as suicidal test
What can we see in the rest?
The vultures may have field day
The bodies may be scattered on the way
It will be horrified and never witnessed scene
We are praying for happy days and very keen
It has become very much uncertain
More fear and less security it contains
Our life is in danger and concerns remain
For ponds and river there is nothing to retain
The horror scenes may emerge
We may not be able to mange
Bring an end to draughts and disasters
You are the only one God and our master
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