Child's dental visit should be fun, full of learning and enjoyable. Nobody is born with the natural terror or fright of a dentist but somehow the fear is unknown. Kids dentist Fresno makes and takes a special effort in using non-frightening, pleasant, simply child friendly to deal with children. The dental practitioners make the parent and child comfortable, at east from the time they enter the dental office. The more a child is told about the first visit to the dental health giver, the better they are to feel. The pediatric dentistry association encourages and recommend parents to take their kids to the dentist right after the first birthday. The newly erupted child's teeth should receive dental care properly and benefit from the oral hygiene properly right from infancy. When children get to know their teeth, they start finding it fun. Child's primary tooth will erupt at the age of 6-12 months and continue until the age of 3. During this period, child feels more sore and tender. To alleviate or to reduce the discomfort, the gums should be soothed with the help of the wet cloth or clean finger.
How to instil healthy habits in kids?
As a dental care giver, pediatrician will examine the child's teeth every two weeks and check for any discoloration and lines that cause decay. Liquids and sugary foods attack new tooth so the child should be taught proper method of brushing after eating or feeding. Children who can hold a brush in the hand should be taught proper way of brushing and flossing. The kid's dental doctor will educate children to adopt oral habits that are not only healthy but those that will promote overall well-being. Dentist will also notice the decay signs and check for other problems and treat accordingly. Children should be given soft-bristled tooth brush and a fluoride tooth paste as the dentist recommends. They will also ask infants teeth to be wiped with a soft cloth after feeding.
How to prevent decay?
To prevent decay of tooth in children, regular checkups by the kids dentist Fresno are helpful. When sugary foods are left in the mouth they turn acid and break down the teeth. Young children are at risk of tooth decay and for the simple reason children don't easily learn to adopt healthy eating habits. A dental care giver will instil those habits and prevent early signs of dental decay.
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